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 Apr 30, 2024 3:45:02 PM  648人 来源: 学小苑

翻译:We assumed that there were forces of attraction between molecules which varied rapidly with the distance so that the attraction between molecules that were more than a few ten millionths of a millimeter apart was very small but became considerable when the molecules approached more closely.

【答案解析】:句子的框架是We assumed that there were forces of attraction…。that引导宾语从句。此宾语从句中套嵌一个由which引导的定语从句修饰先行词forces of attraction; so that the attraction between molecules…是so that结构引导的结果状语从句;在此状语从句中,除主干结构the attraction…was very small but became considerable…,又有that were more than a few ten-millionths of a millimeter apart做定语从句修饰先行词molecules和when the molecules approached more closely做状语从句,修饰…but became considerable。considerable译为“相当大(或多的)”。
